In A Weekend With Yong Pratt

169 - Why I Choose to Invest in my Business



I am asked all the time why I on earth I have spent tens of thousands of dollars on programs, coaches, and mentors. Many people, most outside this world of entrepreneurship, balk at the massive amounts of money they see me spend on something they don't see the value in... I am the first to admit that I'm a self-improvement junkie and seeker of knowledge. I purchase lots of programs to learn specific skills or get better at them because I know they will help me become a better teacher and mentor for our current and future clients. I am also investing in coaches and mentors to take my hand and walk me through something I know will help move the needle in my business. Eight weeks ago, I said yes to a coaching program led by Coach Glitter. I didn't know much about her, however, I knew she'd be speaking at a live event hosted by my long-time friend and mentor, Stacy Tuschl, and she was teaching business owners how to create a brand using video. I jumped in with both feet and I am so glad I