Podcast Central

Language Arts Research Papers



posted by: Dr. Tyson Mrs. Hartnett, our 2005 - 2006 Teacher of the Year, and Ms. Collins, our 2004 - 2005 Teacher of the Year, team-taught their first 8th grade Language Arts research unit at the beginning of the year. The students researched world-wide charitable organizations as well as those found closer to home in the metro area. Little did they know at the time how timely their work would become with the recent tragedy experienced on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico. In keeping with our Mabry commitment to give our students a significant, meaningful, global voice, and as part of the end-of-unit project, a group of students (Annie, Maggie, Mia, Mary, and Katie) was selected to communicate to our global community the wealth of information they had encountered. By sharing this information through this student podcast (which comes directly out of their curriculum), the students hope that they can in some way help the victims of these disasters. Mabry Middle School: giving students a s