Podcast Central

2006 Open House: Dr. Tyson's Presentation



At the beginning of each school year Mabry welcomes parents to an Open House meeting. The meeting begins with a general session to introduce the PTSA and in which Dr. Tyson speaks about Mabry's direction and mission. Parents then start with their child's homeroom and actually attend each of their student's classes, meeting the teachers and getting a sense for what a day in the life of their child at Mabry is like. This is a podcast of Dr. Tyson's Open House presentation--which he did on the interactive whiteboard. The presentation introduced the parents to how this technology can be used in the classroom with students and also provided Mabry with survey information to facilitate our future planning. Additionally he spoke of Mabry's mission statement and the role parents play in helping us continue our school's rich tradition of academic excellence.