Bleeding Ink

[Nick Disabato] In which we herald a renaissance



Nick is a renaissance man. He possesses a varied skill set authors envy: can write well, can design well, can organize well and can get shit done. He crafted with unattended Nick-only hands his book Cadence&Slang—a delightful guide that instills tenets of Interaction Design as a Strunk or White might. Self-publishing just made sense for him. Why, oh why, would he consider a publisher when Mr. Disabato could accomplish 95% of the task unaided? He didn’t. And, to date, he has raked in $48,000 in sales from the eloquent C&S (how us cool kids mention Cadence&Slang). Would he do it differently today? Maybe, depending on how a publisher might promote his name and how that name may climb a respected list in New York—then, “Yea, maybe I’d choose to use a publisher.” (I’m paraphrasing) We explore this struggle in the interview. Nick was one of the first authors to use Kickstarter. That’s watering it down. Nick was one of the first human beings to launch a Kickstarter campaign. By serendipity his long-lost