Take 2: Utah's Legislature With Heidi Hatch, Greg Hughes And Jim Dabakis

Take 2 - Impeachment, condom conundrum, abortion & women in the workforce



Take 2 welcomes a new guest with former U.S. Attorney Brett Tolman who will join guest Maura Carabello, of The Exoro Group, and host 2News Heidi Hatch. The topics discussed in the political climate of Utah, which was rocked lately with a questionable HIV campaign, included the Articles of Impeachment against President Donald Trump that were hand-walked over to the Senate late Wednesday. Additional topics talked about surrounding the impeachment proceedings include: Mitt Romney - open to witnesses (Democrats only need 4 Republicans) Mike Lee - (not open to witnesses but sided with Democrats on Iran military bill) Utah Impeachment History: Rep. Chris Cannon was a trial manager in 1999 for President Clinton. He was chosen by the Judiciary Committee (not the Speaker). The trio then took to other issues at the forefront of Utah politics. The chit-chat included: Democratic Presidential Candidates:  Should they take part in the trial? Michael Bennett, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Amy Klobuchar