Glass Half Full With Leslie Krongold, Ed.d.

An R.N. Talks about Herbal Relief for Muscle Pain, Anxiety, Insomnia & GI Problems (at a support group meeting)



Registered Nurse and proud septuagenarian, Barbara Blaser, was the guest speaker at my Northern California myotonic dystrophy support group. With her healthcare background and deep knowledge of medicinal herbs, she spoke about the use of herbal tinctures, edibles, and lotions to help relieve muscle pain, anxiety, insomnia, gastrointestinal problems, and more. Barbara's nursing career was predominantly in the mental health field. But at some point in her 60s she had an esophagectomy and due to complications, she developed septicemia. She turned to natural herbal healing to help her pain, anxiety, and GI problems. Handouts that Barbara provided at the support group meeting are culled from this website.