How's Your Epresence? With Mark Galvin

S2 E10 "How's your ePresence?" with guest Lisa DeGolyer and Denise Ker Waldron



In this episode, Mark talks about professional social media with Lisa DeGoyler, Deputy Executive Vice President of the Association of Destination Management Executives International (ADMEI),   and Denise Ker Waldron, President of Viva! Events'.     The focus of this show is social media management for Destination Management Executives and how they can leverage social media to do more.  Where should they spend their time? On July 23 at 11AM EST, Mark will host a webinar for ADMEI members.  If you are a ADMEI member, go to this link to register. Denise has a great question for Mark that both DMC's and other entrepreneurs have. Listen to hear what she asked!