Dos Marcos

Yellow Tux Your Business like Savannah Bananas' Jesse Cole



In this Season 5 kick-off to 2020, Dos Marcos sit down with Jesse Cole, owner of the Savannah Bananas.  He wears a yellow tuxedo. His players dance and go on dates during games. Parking penguins. Grandma beauty pageants. A breakdancing first base coach. It's all part of the Savannah Bananas "Fans First" experience.  Jesse shares his family's amazing story and delivers a clear message: if businesses aren't different they won't exist. Get a notepad handy and listen to how Jesse and his wife Emily turned a floundering baseball team into a sold out spectacle. Discover lessons you can apply in your business. And find out how Fans First U is helping businesses deliver remarkable experiences. More highlights include: Listen carefully, respond creatively. Why the Savannah Bananas send fans a playlist to listen to on the way to the ballpark. If you were to charge admission, how would you change the experience? Looking at your customers as fans. We also talk about: Magic Castle Hotel's popsicle hotlin