In Deep With Angie Coiro: Interviews

Trans-PacificPartnership: Why So Secret?



Show #19 Hour 1 | Guests: Brendan Fischer of PRWatch, Maira Sutton of Electronic Frontier Foundation, John Garamendi of California Representative, Tim Robertson of California Fair Trade Coalition, GottaLaff of Political Carnival | Show Summary: In our Blogger Spotlight Brendan Fischer writer for PRWatch joins us to talk about who recently dumped ALEC. Maira Sutton International Intellectual Property Coordinator of the Electronic Frontier Foundation and California Representative John Garamendi share their opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Tim Robertson director of the California Fair Trade Coalition, talks about what the public can do to stop the TPP. Plus, Buttercup (GottaLaff) joins us for her weekly Laffy Raw.