Kevin Whitsitt

How do I Setup a Wordpress Affiliate Marketing Website?



Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing.  What do you think it is? Hey, today I want to answer the question how do I setup a wordpress affiliate marketing website. The short answer is this is the wrong idea to get started. All the money in affiliate marketing is with building a list and what you do with the list when you have it. It's not creating a niche website and sticking Amazon affiliate links or Ads on it. That is the wrong approach and very difficult way to make money. There is no money in ads and no money in the Amazon Affiliate Program. In fact there is no money in sticking direct affiliate links on a website. 99% of people will click on an affiliate link do not purchase the first time they see something. This is why you absolutely need an auto responder. Plus you can promote more than 1 product to a person. You need to send out many messages for 1 week and by doing this your sales will increase a lot and you will mak