Dark Discussions Podcast

Dark Discussions - Episode 415 - Doctor Sleep (2019)



Welcome the newest episode of Dark Discussions, your place for the discussion of horror film, fiction, and all that’s fantastic. It used to be Frank Darabont that adapted a good many of Stephen King’s works to the big screen. Recently, however, director Mike Flanagan has been doing so (or to VOD). His latest came to the big screen early November 2019. It was DOCTOR SLEEP, based off the 2013 novel. And as a reviewed film, it seemed to get a better grade than the book. The tale, book and novel, is a follow up to THE SHINING (movie or book, but in different ways). Danny Torrance (Ewan McGregor), now an adult man, is haunted by the ghosts he saw at the Overlook Hotel as a child. Now living in a small town in New Hampshire, he is employed at an assisted living/hospice care home. Fighting his own demons, he goes to Alcohol Anonymous and now lives a sober life. When he is contacted by an unknown individual through psychic means, he discovers there is a group called the True Knot of predatory people who h