The Entrepreneurial You

Ep. 145 – Achieving Scale Without the Burnout, with Nicole Liloia



Nicole is a business strategist who helps women entrepreneurs scale their businesses and create consistent income growth. Nicole’s first business was a counseling private practice but she quickly added in multiple income streams so that she could travel more while still running her business. Nicole has contributed to Forbes, Huffington Post, Mind Body Green, and more.   Show Notes "Ninety nine percent of the time it's not urgent and to create a culture where you are constantly plugged in and expected to be always-on is to create a culture of burnout." --Arianna Huffington   If we follow the entrepreneurial hype then we will be all about the grind. But is this really healthy? Can we scale without the grind and avoid burnout? Do we have to neglect our need for self-care to move our businesses forward? Nicole is all for scale without the almost inevitable ‘pop-down/pop-dung’ (this is a Jamaican term for being burnout).   What's your style for change? Here is a snippet of what she shared on this episode o