Rolling Stoned

121 Starwoman: The Revengening Part 1



Ken finally wakes up from his several week coma in the back of the USPUSS truck only to get ambushed by none other than... those Goddamned treehouse kids Timmy and Billy. But they aren't here on their normal shenanigans. In fact, they have found a new master... and her name is... Starwoman. Starwoman, who was last seen leading a caravan of skating ravenous children, is working her way down her revenge list (being an undead revenant, she's requires revenge for sustenance), and her list has brought her to none other than Ken & Sketch. Now... she's willing to cross their names off the list without getting revenge on them, but they're going to have to help with juuuust a few of her other revenges...  Join us next week for the exciting conclusion! Other Links: