The Founder To Founder Podcast

#52: Overcoming Vulnerability Thanks To Hairy MacLary



Most parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles know of Hairy Maclary. For the uninitiated, Hairy is a fictitious dog who lives at a dairy and embarks on adventures with his friends. Each story is playfully illustrated, written in rhythmic verse and begs the reader to deliver each page with theatrical enthusiasm.I owe a great deal to New Zealand author Dame Lynley Dodd, the creator of this great character.An embarrassing realisationMy introduction to Hairy Maclary took place when our eldest daughter was a small number of months old. Until that point, I had been winging it. As clumsily as one could, I had been making my way through our story time routine using stilted and stutter-filled language. It didn’t seem to matter until one day our daughter looked up at me when I tripped over a simple phrase, again and again. The look on her face said, ‘what’s wrong?’Filled with shame, I had no response.Keep listening or read the full post here.**************Thanks for listening. If you'd like to know when new episodes are