The Founder To Founder Podcast

EP 74: PHILHSC On How To Validate An Idea In 30 Days



Where do I start with my idea?I get this question a lot and those who ask usually possess infectious excitement about an idea, are new to product development and remain convinced that their addressable market of customers is massive.The irony is that 90% of people who ask where to start, don’t.Deep down they know why and it usually comes down to three reasons.Fear is the first reason (and there’s an antidote)The first reason is fear. People fear what they don’t know and more specifically, people fear what others will think of their ideas.I don’t like venturing into motivational territory because what’s usually said isn’t practical but in this case, I’ll offer two thoughts that always prove true.The greatest triumphs live just on the other side of one’s fears.And when you break it down further, fear only plays a significant role when the person believes that the only way forward is all-or-nothing. When it comes to building a company, it’s rarely ‘all in’. The reality is that it’s a series of small experiments