The Founder To Founder Podcast

EP 78: PhilHSC On 10 Ways Founders Can Scale Wellness



Wellness is a loaded term. It means too many things to too many people. And when it comes to scaling a business and teams, wellness isn’t on the critical path which is ironic given how important team performance is to a venture’s success.Some founders consider wellness a personal responsibility of each team member (that was me).Others solve for wellness by introducing yoga, healthy snacks and flexible work arrangements (to name a few) for their teams to access.These two approaches (and every option in between) are opt-in and neither one mandates co-founder participation.And herein lies the issue.Team members are cue sponges. They notice when co-founders or any person perceived to be a leader starts acting in ways to improve or degrade their wellbeing, regardless of whether the leader is acting consciously or subconsciously. It’s an unavoidable fact that they respond and modify their behaviours based on what their leaders say and do.For the record, I think wellness should get more airtime than it does today. I