The Founder To Founder Podcast

EP 80: PHILHSC On Why You Should Revisit Old Assumptions (And How To Do It)



Assumptions are the basis for most startups. After identifying opportunities, founders use assumptions to begin piecing together a narrative to communicate their vision. And it’s just expected that each assumption in a startup’s business model will get tested and iterated over time.The reality is, however, that there are assumptions that don’t get tested. Some of these are linchpin assumptions, ones that are critical to the business model that founders are selling to customers, investors and partners.The punchline is that founder’s risk building a ‘house of cards’ by relying on untested assumptions.And there are two reasons why founders press on with untested assumptions. One is legitimate, the other convenient.The legitimate reason is limited time and resources. Assumptions live on a semi-prioritised but nonetheless messy Trello board and you keep hearing yourself say ’I’ll get to them’. I’ve been there many times. As a side note, and while resource constraint is a legitimate reason, I recommend you putting