Kevin Whitsitt

How do I Grow my Affiliate Website's Traffic?



Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing.  What do you think it is? Hey, today I want to answer the question how do I grow my affiliate website's traffic? My number 1 favorite way to get traffic is with content. What I like to do is go to Quora or a Forum in my niche and find questions that my target audience is asking. The more targeted the better. Then simply write a response to that question. I also make sure there is no competition in Google for those keywords. If you go to the Google search bar and put the question in quotes you will see how many pages use those exact words.  Then what I will do with my $40 webcamera is make a video answering the question. Easy right? Then I will post that video on YouTube and Dailymotion. Then I will make a shorter video of my notes and make a TikTok video, sometimes I will make dumb music videos because they are fun and Instagram video. With Instagram you can include a link i