Bart Jackson's Podcast - Get Informed, Get Entertained, And Seize The Wisdom

Bringing IT and C-Suite To Profitable Understanding



Can you imagine the worst possible business environment for a team of top technological talent? Well, veteran CTO and novelist Gene Kim has embraced this vision in his blunder-laden “The Unicorn Project” in which every business SANFU and stumbling block heaps upon our heroine Maxine.  Host Bart Jackson brings Gene aboard to discuss the real life wall that so destructively separates managers from technological professionals, to the detriment of all.  With wit and insight, Gene poses solid solutions for removing the barriers of suspicion, communication gaps and faulty structures.  And the outcome of Gene’s allegorical tale?  Fear not.  The unsinkable Maxine, with the aid of a shadowy guru brings the Five Comppany-Saving Ideals into play, that – no surprise – hold true equally in the tech room and the C-suite.  Tune in and learn ‘em.