Liz Soria Tax Advisor & Biz Success Podcast

Why Physical Wellness is Essential for Good Health (Dr. Ben Reuter) Physiologist Ep 21 (TABSC)



Why #Physical Wellness is Essential for Good #Health (Dr. Ben Reuter) #Physiologist Ep 21 Ben Reuter, PhD. Exercise #Physiologist, Associate #Professor at California University of PA and co-founder of two movement #podcasts- #FitLabPGH and #Moving2Live Want to watch the interview instead? Feel free to watch this episode and others expert guest interviews at our #Youtube channel & subscribe!. ***Remember to please share, like and comment. *** (( #Sponsorship opportunities are available and also if you want to appear as an #expertguest in one of her series )). Contact us and we will provide the information, investment amount and dates. You can contact the host #LizSoria at For #Tax #advisory. #business #coaching and #mentoring #QuickBooks #training and #accounting #cloud services. >>