Lace Em Up

Lace Em Up Ep. 32 "And The Winner Is...."



HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! The fellas are back and ready to tackle 2016 with a vengeance. On this episode, they dive into the winner of the Manny Pacquiao sweepstakes. Pacquiao has chosen to fight Timothy Bradley Jr. for the third time. Some like it and some don't. Which one of the boys are upset about this fight, Calvin or Edwin? They also give you the rundown on the upcoming fights in early 2016 that should be very exciting ones to look for. And tempers flare as both of them are upset when they hear the word "Catchweight" in the same sentence as Boxing. And find out what one of their listeners call it as well. Calvin presents his list of "Fights That Need To Happen in 2016." And as always, the "Final Words" segment to end the show. That and much more on this episode titled, "And The Winner Is." Follow the fellas on Twitter: Calvin @Dreamchild21 and Edwin @Docta_Boom. Make sure to check out the Facebook page as well. SHOP AMAZON AS WELL!! Were affilates with them too. AND NOW......LETS ENTER THE RING!!