Kevin Whitsitt

How do I Get Started with Affiliate Marketing in 2020?



Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing.  What do you think it is? Hello, today I'm going to answer the question how do I get started with affiliate marketing in 2020. The short answer is to find someone who is very, very good and you learn from them.  The big challenge with affiliate marketing is the noise. What you want to do is learn the skills that will directly put the most money in your pocket and cut out all the bullshit. What is the bullshit and what are these skills that will directly get you paid?  I've been doing affiliate marketing for 10 years and one of the most important things in this business is the list. Always be growing your list and the list is your number 1 asset.  What I mean about a list is email addresses and names of people interested in your niche, your topic. You also have to know what to do with that list. What to do what that list could be more important than growing it.  These