Dark Discussions Podcast

Dark Discussions - Episode 409 - Joker (2019)



Welcome the newest episode of Dark Discussions, your place for the discussion of horror film, fiction, and all that’s fantastic. Praised by European critics and winning the prestigious award, the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival, JOKER (2019) has been targeted by the liberal American media as a right wing film. Its director Todd Phillips has been called a “metoo” villain for his comedies. The movie has been called racist and violent. And critics have said it could lead to violence by incels, loners, and extreme groups. Yet the same detractors praise Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, and give great reviews to violent films like JOHN WICK (2014). And yet JOKER may be the best film of 2019. Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix) works as a clown to cheer up hospital patients, hold up signs for businesses, and play at children’s parties. He also is a loner who has a laughing disorder and lives with his mother. While trying to be a standup comic, he’s regularly attacked by street thugs and treated badly by co