Kevin Whitsitt

Do you Need an Actual Website to be a Successful Affiliate Marketing?



Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing.  What do you think it is? Hello, today I'm going to answer the question do you need an actual website to be a successful affiliate marketer? The short answer is no you don't. There are both pros and cons to having a website. The pro is that you own the space on the internet. Nobody can take that from you.  If You grow a YouTube channel, Instagram account or write Linkedin articles your account can be terminated and you don't own the space. However, I would argue that most likely your accounts will not be banned, so I'm not really worried about this.  If you want to be an affiliate marketer without a website you can still own the list, which is the most important part. When I mean a list is that names and email address of people that are interested in your topic.  You might be wondering how you can even build a list without a website. There are tools like Leadpages and Ins