Office Talk With Annette Stepanian

Ep. 099: Legal Roundup: Your FAQs Answered



Is there a legal question that you’ve had knocking around in your mind for a while? Then this is the episode for you! We’re doing a round-up of recent legal questions entrepreneurs and business owners have been asking - the answer to YOUR question may be in here too. In particular: The answer to, “Should I register the trademark for the logo of my business versus the name of my business? Or only the name of my program or product?” The answer to, “What should I do if one of my clients is asking for changes to my default contract, specifically the termination clause?” The answer to, “When hosting a group coaching program or a mastermind, do participants need to literally sign on the contract of can they just check a box to acknowledge the terms?” The answer to, “Any recommendations on how to work with vendors whose policies prohibit you from sharing examples of your work on social media or for marketing?”  Plus: Check out the new templates we’ve added to (specifically, the Event Venue Rental