Quest 4 Quality with Joe Higgins

01 What is Quest 4 Quality?



This first podcast is really an introduction into how this business, Q4Q, started and a synopsis of my four main presentations. It is an overview of the work that I have done over the last 43 years and gives you some ideas about the depth and breadth of my work. I started my career with General Electric, a Fortune 8 corporation, GE provided me with a great start to my career. I moved on to Whirlpool Corporation, the largest manufacturer of appliances in the world and spent 35 years learning and teaching leadership. My career path led to my promotion to the National Director of Sales, responsible for the entire sales team across the United States. During this time I was able to visit and get to know the CEO’s, Presidents, GM’s and others who were leaders of their companies. It served as a base of what I now talk about on the speaker’s circuit. Joe Higgins is joined by the founder of The InBound Podcasting Network, Tim Edwards.