Quest 4 Quality with Joe Higgins

03 The Current State and Future of American Economy - Part 02



This podcast contains some interesting observations about our economy and the differences between how some news programs cover economic news versus how an economist views national issues. Tim asks some pointed questions that are on the minds of many people but never really get covered by TV anchors. In this 12 minute segment I talk about America’s leading economic indicators in a way that will give you insight into our current issues with GDP, the gains we have made with the levels of debt taken on by Americans prior to 2008 and the growth in employment over the past seven years.  Then we jump into some very sensitive issues that I believe will confound those who don’t have a background in historical realities that are facing us today. You will learn about the national debt, unemployment versus “real unemployment” and the reasons why China and others buy U.S. debt. You may not agree with my assessment but you will have something to thinks about.