Pinkerton Insights Podcast

Pinkerton Insights Podcast | Week of October 14, 2019



  Microsoft recently discovered that a state-sponsored Iranian hacking group called “Phosphorous” tried to access several email accounts that belonged to members of a U.S. presidential candidate campaign. Last week, online publication ZDNet reported that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) sent a security notification on September 17 to warn private industry partners about the increasing instances of cyber-attacks that can bypass multi-factor authentication (MFA).   Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg will testify before the U.S. House Financial Services Committee on Capitol Hill on October 23, regarding the social media giant’s impact on U.S. financial services from its planned launch a digital wallet called Calibra, and a cryptocurrency called Libra.  Deflation in Latin America’s two largest economies, Mexico and Brazil, has signaled regional growth challenges, as their central banks are reportedly cutting interest.  The outlook for Asian economies has once again been adjusted due to the ongoing U.S.-China