Drop Panda Podcast

MCU Reboot with Spiderman, Boycotted Video Games and Horrific Video Games - Drop Panda Podcast #23



Starring: Adam, Julian, Tim and Nick This week we talk about the return of Spiderman into the MCU, the affect the Hong Kong riots have on the video game industry, Horror Video Games and rebooting the MCU with a cast of random actors. Apple Podcast: itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/feed/id1368060977 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6ggu1cQrNMPTvMcZtQGfaI Anchor: anchor.fm/drop-panda-podcast Youtube:www.youtube.com/channel/UC91SdnrD9yNk3OXtfqr54dQ Google Podcast:  https://goo.gl/4rDmd1 Email: droppandaproductions@gmail.com