The Entrepreneurial You

Ep. 132 – Building a Real Estate Photography Business From the Ground Up, with Evan Roberts



Evan Roberts is the CEO and founder of Visually Sold, a US based Real Estate Photography Company. Show Notes “In photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality.” - Alfred Stieglitz   Evan Roberts had his haha moment looking at the visuals for houses listed on the real estate market. He says:   “I was looking at houses online and I found that some houses have a really good photo as the front photo and I found myself clicking on those. I notice that some of them didn’t have it. As soon as I noticed that some of them did, I said there might be a market for this. I did some research and I found that there is a market for it. I was surprised at the amount of houses that didn’t have professional photography taken of them seen as it is the most expensive asset that people sell in their lifetimes so you would think that visual marketing would be a necessity for everybody.”   ---- Hot Point: As soon as you can drop the ego and be vulnerable you grow something greater than yo