Masters Series

The Art of Copywriting and the Power of Words



Businesses connect directly with their customers through websites, apps, social media and anywhere else that will hold some well crafted content. The common thread among all these channels is words - words which can wield a lot of power! In this podcast you'll get a masterclass in the art of copywriting and a content strategy to put them all to good use. Georgina Laidlaw is a copywriting specialist with the experience (and pedantry!) of an english teacher. Georgina works with brands like REA, Aconex and CyRise to help them express themselves clearly. She warns that the written word has no tone of voice which leaves it open to misunderstanding. Hannah Kallady is a Digital Strategist with Ntegrity where she works with brands to get their words in the right place through communication strategies. Hannah believes strongly in the power of the story to connect and even stimulate our minds in ways we don't quite understand. Masters Series puts industry professionals in front of a room full of startups and entre