It's New Orleans: Happy Hour

I Was Dennis Rodman's Roommate - Happy Hour - It's New Orleans



Brentt Arcement grew up as a drummer in New Orleans and took his musical skills to Los Angeles where he carved out a career as an A list drummer, playing with Fiona Apple, Live, and many other big name artists. But the show stopping sentence in this conversation is when Brentt gets onto the subject of how he met, became friends with, and even lived with none other than Dennis Rodman. You ll be pleased to learn that Dennis is not just a regular guy. If you think Dennis Rodman has a unique life, wait till you hear about the people Katie Sikora hangs out with. Katie is one of the creators of an online undertaking called The Sexism Project. Katie, a photographer, photographs and interviews women in particular industries about their relationship to sexism. So far the project has examined the lives of women in the New Orleans music industry and the New Orleans sex industry. It s hard to put into words on a page, here, just how riveting these photographs and conversations are. Katie is one of these people who move t