Calvary Christian Fellowship Ventura

Shining a Bright Light - Audio



“… and no injury whatever was found on him, because he believed in his God.” Pastor Don preaches a sermon about the believer’s integrity based on the text in Daniel 6. Can you stand in your faith before God and man and remain unscathed? Pastor Don expounds on the examples Daniel set in Daniel 6 and how we should follow those same examples in a sermon entitled “Shining a Bright Light.” In the same way, we are called to uncompromisingly stand strong in our faith and make our stand for Christ who stood in our place on the cross. Doing this we may find that those who oppose us, like in the case of Daniel, will say “Your God, whom you serve continually, He will deliver you.” When the light we shine is the light we reflect from the glory of the Lord, souls will be won.