Power Of Why With Naomi Haile

Finding The “Thing” That You Will Fight For with Nina Baliga



It was incredible to connect with the CEO and Co-Founder of <div>ersity, Nina Baliga. A female founded, woman of color startup focused on connecting a community of diverse tech talent with forward-thinking companies. Nina is building a "Glassdoor for diversity," where diverse coders, engineers, and developers can share their experiences about the diversity and inclusion practices and environment of various companies. Watch this episode, if you want to deepen your understanding around self-awareness, identity, and being your authentic self. Nina talks about her rich experiences and why she’s focused and passionate about advocating for people who are under-represented in the technology field. Nina identified a pain point that originated from her combined personal and professional experiences. Her company strives to create a community that helps companies find great talent outside of their traditional networks, and for diverse talent to find great companies to work for by building a platform that is consci