Dharma Teachings By Lama Mark Webber

03 Five Fold Mahamudra 2014-3



Lama Mark explores the profound depth of the Mahamudra, by showing that every aspect of the Tantric practice, and throughout the sadhana, is really Mahamudra. It is not that we practice something other than Mahamudra, but we approach it's full glory in many different ways. In this way of approach, central to the Drikung Kagyu, a unity of Mahamudra view is practiced from the start. The tradition of the five branches: 1) Mahamudra of Bodhicitta; the essence of the cause. 2) Mahamudra of the Yidam deity; the essence of practice. 3) Mahamudra Guru yoga and devotion; essence of qualities. 4) Mahamudra, the true nature; the essence of meaning. 5) Dedication, sharing of merit; the essence of method.Lama Mark kindly received these essential instructions (phyag chen lnga ldan), of Rigdzin Chökyi Trakpa, precepts of Mahamudra practice of Jigten Sumgön (1143-1217) from H.E. Ontul Rinpoche and he shared glimmerings of these profound teachings with his students during a mini-retreat in Vancouver. Using a number of Drikung