Rolling Stoned

113 The Curse of Lincoln's Hand Part III: Starwoman Returns



Age and Sketch are hot on Fugue State Ken's trail of bodies when Sketch suddenly notices someone he thought long gone from his past zoom by on familiar sounding rollerskates. Age's trailer immediately goes flying off the hitch as Sketch speeds up to find out that Starwoman is indeed still alive... sort of. She has become a zombie, er, revenant, existing for the sake of revenge, and Ricardo, Vinny (the Vietnam Vet), & Sketch are going to need her help if they are going to stop Fugue State Ken's confused murderous rampage. Fortunately, Starwoman remembers the world before the Third Amendment changed and is equally confused by all the tan-coats around. But they don't have much time to waste on carnage because the New Confederacy is about to set in motion a series of Amendment reforms that will put us back into Antebellum America... Also... HAPPY PRIDE Y'ALL!!! Links: @RevoloverAudio