Bible Learners Corner

Beauty of The Cross (Part 09): Not Ashamed of The Gospel



The name "God" is used in many places today from church to the world. All religions, cults and pagans are coming together by the name God, eating together and celebrating by that name. The truth is that many blinded and ignorant people worship the false god and " The god of this world " People have rejected the message of truth and are not worshiping and serving the true Lord God of heaven. Satan is "the popular god of many" and he is being worshiped by the deceived even in churches. These are headed to hellfire, unless they repent, believe in the true gospel of Jesus Christ and become saved.  The scriptures say that the god of this age has blinded many people who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them. (2 Cor 4:3-4). The bible says; Satan - the god of this age that has blinded many and that god is a different God with the God of the Bible.