
Crucifixion and the Roman Triumph (ക്രൂശീകരണവും റോമന്‍ ജയോല്‍സവവും) - Prof. Jacob Abraham



Certain mysteries of the Kingdomof God is wrapped in parables so that the chosen people may know it and theoutside people may not understand it Such a mystery is presented byMark in his narration of the crucifixion of Jesus So Mark took up the responsibilityto explain to them that Jesus was indeed a King and His death on the cross wasa victory celebration To explain his argument Mark isplacing the events of the last hours in the life Jesus side by side to theevents in the Roman triumphal celebrations MalayalamOfficial website naphtalitribecomWatch the video of this message in Englishand Malayalam naphtalitribetvcomListen to the audio messages in English andMalayalam naphtalitriberadiocomRead study notes in Malayalam vathilin