Bedford & Sullivan Brooklyn

Inaugural Ep with Special Guests Larry King & Ron Schweiger



The first episode of the Bedford & Sullivan podcast has arrived! I, Sam Maxwell, am developing a TV series along the lines of Mad Men and Boardwalk Empire regarding Brooklyn, its Dodgers, and how both were affected by the rapid transition into Modern America. As I gather the writing team together, a lot of research must be done to clearly define the atmosphere of Brooklyn circa 1937-1957. The research will be done via books and articles from the period, as well as from interviews with folks of the era and/or with knowledge of the era. This podcast will be to keep you, the audience, active listeners in that research. On the inaugural episode, talk-show host Larry King, who grew up in Brooklyn, will share with us his best stories regarding the borough and its ballclub, and how the two have influenced his life. Also, Ron Schweiger, the Brooklyn Borough Historian, will join us to discuss some of his favorite Brooklyn Dodger stories, including his first time entering Ebbets Field. So, join me Monday, July