"monday's With Maureen"

Single Mom, 2 Kids, Wall Street



"I am really, really frustrated with the poor attitudes that seem to have swept over my peer group. Frustrated with hearing “I don’t have” rather than “Let’s see what I can do with what I do have.” So, I have decided to demonstrate that it doesn't have to be that way." Adam Shepard, a recent college graduate decided to prove the American Dream was alive and well, with just $25.00 in his pocket he chose a city at random, moved with only the clothes on his back,found a job paying $8.00 an hour, worked for one year at minimum wage. After one year he had $5,500 in the bank, a used truck, and a story that is truly amazing. Adam Shepard will be my guest on Monday March 23, 2009 at 9:00 AM (PST) to share his story, talk about his book and take calls from my listeners. Shepard was recently featured on John Stossel's "The Middle Class is Doing Just Fine, Thank You" on ABC's 20/20. This is a story of dedication, discipline and determination. Join me on Monday morning at 9:00 AM (PST)