"monday's With Maureen"

A Virtual California High School Reunion Featuring Roxanne Alexander -Pringle



Join us for an hour of "All Cal High" as we reminisce, play trivia, remember the days of Cal High before the Internet and welcome a very special alum, Roxanne Alexander-Pringle who was a Cal cheerleader and song girl for the mighty Grizzlies. Roxanne went on to preform with The Oakland Raiders and now has a reality T.V show "Pro Cheer Danz". Seven amateur cheerleaders will compete in cheer and dance routines, hip hop dance with celebrity rap artists, an acting competition and swimsuit calendar modeling. But the pilot episode centers around a fashion show at Sutra. See, Smarty, cheerleaders can do lots of other things! Join me Monday morning July 27, at 9:00 AM (PST)