Neurology® Podcast

December 13 2016 Issue



1) AAN guideline summary: Treatment of restless legs syndrome in adults 2) What's Trending: Interview with Dr. Steven Messé on why acute ischemic stroke patients are not receiving IV tPA3) Topic of the month: Neurology Today story about cases of acute flaccid myelitis spike: What the Center for Disease Control says you should look out forThis podcast for the Neurology Journal begins and closes with Dr. Robert Gross, Editor-in-Chief, briefly discussing highlighted articles from the print issue of Neurology. In the second segment Dr. Michelle Fullard interviews Dr. John Winkelman about the AAN guideline summary on the treatment of restless legs syndrome in adults. Dr. Andy Southerland is interviewing Dr. Steven Messé for our “What's Trending” feature of the week about his paper on why are acute ischemic stroke patients not receiving IV tPA. In the next part of the podcast Dr. Ted Burns interviews Drs. Kevin Messacar and Ken Tyler about a Neurology Today story on the topic on cases of acute flaccid myelitis spik