Neurology® Podcast

Delayed Recall - Patient Perspectives, Part I (December 2017)



This month’s Delayed Recall episode is the first in a duo of episodes featuring interviews that focus on the patient perspective. The second part of this feature will appear as the Delayed Recall episode for January 2018. As the first of the three interviews included in December’s episode, we feature an interview by Dr. Ted Burns with Dr. Oliver Sacks regarding Dr. Sacks’ experience with ocular melanoma. This interview originally aired in January 2011, and appeared again as part of a Delayed Recall episode in 2015, which was aired as a tribute to Dr. Sacks following his passing. In the second interview of this episode, from February 19, 2013, Dr. Burns speaks with Dr. Bob Holloway on communicating prognosis for patients with serious neurological diseases. In the third and final interview in this episode, Dr. Burns speaks with Dr. Richard Morton about his essay regarding his experience as a patient. This interview was part of the July 25, 2017 podcast episode.