Dysfunction Room

Episode 10: Sam's Shake and Whack



The Dysfunction Room is boisterously recorded in the beautiful upstairs room of The Rutland Arms in Sheffield. Warning: sweariness abound. Things occuring in this episode: We've been away way to long Baked dog shit Fucking sense Luci's continuing artistic endeavours  The similar endeavours of Rachel Collier-Wilson  Half Man Half Biscuit  Kevin Boniface  The Willow Man  Thirty million sex aids and bin hosing Credits: The happy task of recording and editing is mostly undertaken by Sam and you can coo over him like an infant on Twitter @andomain Luci was the first to break a resolution and you should follow him on Twitter @generallucifer Andrew was easily distracted and random shoutings are broadcast on Twitter @cyclingtiger Mental lubrication was supplied by good local breweries and we recommend supporting yours (and ours because they're better). Questions, comments and abuse can be sent to us by email to dysfunctioncast@gmail.com. If your email title is Nincompoop then we'll add you to our newslist for new epi