Dysfunction Room

Episode 11: Halloween Special! Pork Pies and Monster Mash



It's Halloween, so in this episode the lads lock themselves in Sam's loft with beer and pies and battle it out to decide which movie monster is mightiest! There's some great movie recommendations to sink your fangs into, including Alien, Hellraiser, Night of the Hunter, It Follows, The Grudge, Christine, The Matrix, American Werewolf in London, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Thing, 28 Days Later, Night of the Living Dead and many many more. Many thanks to Brewdod Beers, Adnams, Aldi and Sainsbury's for the beer, all of which we had to either buy or shoplift because no-one has sponsored us yet. Pies and Scotch eggs supplied by Bentley's of Pudsey. Top notch fodder. Credits: The happy task of recording and editing is mostly undertaken by Sam and you can haunt him on Twitter @andomain You can see if there's any soul left in Luci's cold, empty chest for you to steal on Twitter @generallucifer Andrew will transform into a monster dog before your very eyes on Twitter @cyclingtiger Thanks especially goes to Sam's girl