Dr. Carol Francis

Remote Viewing, Psychic Skills, Brain Entrain-John Herlosky & Dr. Carol Francis



John Herlosky is a Remote Viewer, meaning, he has journeyed beyond his body's limits into other locations, viewing with another set of eyes or senses.  Is this related to psychic powers or astra projection or the third eye knowing?   John Herlosky is the author of A Sorcerer’s Apprentice:  A Skeptic’s Journey which is an exploration into the CIA’s Project Star Gate. The CIA sponsored psychic spies with the ability to extend their consciousness to accurately describe targets not only half a world away but to look into the future as well. It all sounded like science fiction to John Herlosky after reading an expose by former member of the CIA’s Project Star Gate, Dr. David Morehouse. Two years later, skeptical but intrigued by the possibilities implied, John trained with Dr. Morehouse to find out the truth. Sorcerer’s Apprentice (TrineDay, April 2015) chronicles the author’s journey from interested skeptic to operational remote viewer working his first mission as well as his former life as a police officer and p