Rpg Fan's Rhythm Encounter

Rhythm Encounter: Music of the Year 2015 - Second Movement



Every year, we invite some special guests from outside RPGFan to join us for Music of the Year. For 2015, we've dedicated an entire episode just for them. Welcome back friends of the show Jayson Napolitano (Scarlet Moon Productions), Michael Cunningham (RPGamer), and Don Kotowski (VGMOnline)! They've brought some unexpected and undeniably catchy picks from 2015 to share with the RPGFan nation, so tune in and enjoy! With a veritable bounty of bonus interlude and background music, don't miss the full tracklist with links to reviews/places to buy at https://www.rpgfan.com/news/2016/4438.html Featuring: Stephen Meyerink, Caitlin Argyros, Mike Salbato, Jayson Napolitano, Michael "Mac" Cunningham, Don Kotowski