Rpg Fan's Rhythm Encounter

Rhythm Encounter: Music of the Year 2013 - Final Movement



Closing off our coverage of the grand year that was 2013, we turn our ears to the music YOU most wanted to hear. Join the Rhythm Encounter crew (plus two) as we listen to absolutely anything you told us to, even if it wasn't from 2013! Blue Dragon, Sen no Kiseki, Baten Kaitos, Might and Magic-- the mix here is crazy, so be sure to listen in! Check out the full tracklist and links to reviews/places to buy at https://www.rpgfan.com/features/Music_of_the_Year_2013/Rhythm_Encounter_Final_Movement.html Featuring: Stephen Meyerink, Derek Heemsbergen, Mike Salbato, Brian Tomlinson Questions? Comments? Feeling spoony? Email us: music@rpgfan.com