Mom Biz Solutions With Lara Galloway, The Mom Biz Coach

Clean up the company you keep-MomBiz Solutions Show for Mompreneurs



February at MomBiz is all about building a strong and loyal community - or in the words of Seth Godin - your tribe. And sometimes you gotta get rid of clutter to welcome the things you really want into your space. On today's show we are going to talk about cleaning up the company you keep: How to get rid of the energy vampires, How to fire the non-ideal clients, How to set boundaries around family and friends who weigh you down and cramp your style. Join Lara Galloway, The Mom Biz Coach and co-founder of, on Wednesdays at 10 am ET for her 15 minute "audio blog." Get your weekly dose of business coaching for mombiz owners from a straight-talking mompreneur business coach who wants you to succeed on your own terms. Lara offers business coaching along with mothering tips, small business marketing strategies, and funny stories about the joys and chaos of being a mom entrepreneur. Learn more about how to grow your business while running a family at or how to take part in her mom