Mom Biz Solutions With Lara Galloway, The Mom Biz Coach

How to Handle Criticism from Yourself and/or Others - Mom Biz Solutions Show



As the year draws to a close, it can be easy to slip into "compare" mode. We are so hard on ourselves when it comes to looking at the people around us and feeling like we just aren't good enough. Add to that a healthy dose of time with family, and we can be on the receiving end of criticism (intentional or not). In this episode, Lara covers how to brush off external criticism and silence that mean voice in your head that always seems to know which buttons to push. Lara offers business coaching along with mothering tips, small business marketing strategies, and funny stories about the joys and chaos of being a mom entrepreneur. If you could use a little inspiration, or a guide from a mom entrepreneur who's "been there, done that," or if you just want to hear from a woman who has learned to laugh off her mistakes and accept her life as perfect (just the way it is), you'll want to tune in every week. Lara is an author, speaker and business coach. Hire her when you need the clarity and confidence to make big de